Summary of Dr Parmar’s attendance and presentation at WALT 2018 – World Association for photobiomoduLation Therapy, October 3-6, 2018
Venue: Nice, France.
Dr Shikha Parmar, our director, was selected to present at the 12th International Congress for WALT—the world’s foremost convention for Photobiomodulation (Low Level Light Therapy).
Dr Parmar chaired and presented the 90-minute long workshop with the brief: User’s Group -Setting up Successful PBM Clinical Practice with the help of Dr Terry Baker, physician from Baltimore, Maryland, and current president of The North American Association for photobiomoduLation Therapy, NAALT.
The topic was: Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) in the Clinical Setting – a Model for Success – a qualitative discussion on real world application of PBMT.
This comprehensive workshop was presented to doctors, physios, researchers, instrument manufacturers, and other interested parties wanting to gain practical knowledge on the successful clinical application of PBMT in the real world on real patients. This falls into the realm of TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE – translating decades of research from labs and clinical trials into a treatment program which results in meaningful clinical outcomes.
Laser Pain Therapy Australia is musculoskeletal clinic providing PBMT as the primary treatment at the centre of a holistic and comprehensive approach to assist recovery from chronic pain with the aim of restoring function and strength. Up to 100 or more patient consultations are conducted every week.
Dr Parmar presented her experience of delivering our unique and valuable treatment successfully, in an environment of competing yet failing drug, surgical and manual therapies, to help patients on their road to recovery, well beyond just pain management, to achieve freedom from drugs and poor health and return to meaningful service, leisure and normal life.
With her depth of experience of literally thousands of patient encounters, Dr Parmar discussed what the challenges have been and how they have been negotiated. She qualitatively presented a clinical model that has maintained a track record of success and acceptability by patients and health providers alike in delivering positive outcomes that persist.
Dr Shikha PARMAR pictured with (Photos coming):
Dr Terry BAKER – NAALT President and Physician/MD Baltimore, Maryland
Prof. Praveen ARANY. President WALT, PhD (Harvard)
Prof. Uri ORON – Tel Aviv University, Israel. Field of interest: the beneficial effects of recruiting low-level laser stimulated stem cells (derived from autologous bone marrow) to enhance recovery of the ischemic heart and ischemic kidney in mammals
Prof Michael HAMBLIN – Principal Investigator at Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, and an Associate Professor Harvard Medical School
Dr John CARMODY, GP and PBMT Practitioner, Manly, Sydney, NSW, Australia