GP, Dr Shikha Parmar, has a special interest in in providing a drug-free safe, effective tendonitis treatment solution in Melbourne for acute injuries and chronic pain using low level laser lighttherapy (laser therapeutics).
What is Tendonitis?
Tendonitis (Tendinopathy) is inflammation or irritation of a tendon — any one of the thick fibrous cords that attaches muscle to bone.
The tendon sheath, or synovium, can also become inflamed and this is termed tenosynovitis
While tendonitis can occur in any of your body’s tendons, it is most common around your neck and shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, back, hips, knees, ankles, heels and feet. The symptoms usually include pain, stiffness and sometimes swelling.
Some common names for various tendonitis problems are:
Cervicogenic headache – headache arising from strained neck muscles and tendons
de Quervain’s tenosynovitis (wrist/thumb tendonitis)
Tennis elbow
Golfer’s elbow
Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Pitcher’s shoulder
Swimmer’s shoulder
Hamstring tendinopathy/tendonitis or strain
Quadriceps tendinopathy/tendonitis or strain
Jumper’s knee
Metatarsalgia (forefoot pain)
Cause of Tendonitis:
Risk factors for developing tendonitis include age, working in particular jobs or participating in certain sports.
As people get older, their tendons become less flexible which makes them easier to injure.
Tendonitis is more common in people whose jobs involve:
Repetitive motions
Awkward positions
Frequent overhead reaching
Forceful exertion
Participation in certain sports that involve repetitive motions, especially if your technique isn’t optimal, increases the risk. This can occur with:
AFL, soccer, rugby
How is tendonitis diagnosed?
Diagnosing tendonitis is based primarily on a thorough medical history and a physical examination. The doctor will ask you about the pain and about what types of activities exacerbate the symptoms.
If the diagnosis is in question or if the doctor suspects that you may have an underlying inflammatory disease, he or she may run some routine laboratory tests and X-rays.
An ultrasound or MRI scan may show the changes in the tendon, but is rarely required.
Treatment of Tendonitis
Proper treatment avoids permanent damage or disability.
Traditionally, tendonitis treatment consists of temporary pain relief using anti-inflammatory medication, rest, and icing the area. While ice numbs the pain it also prevents healthy blood flow which is essential to tissue healing and should not be applied to injuries after the acute phase (the first day). Read more here.
Anti-inflammatory medications do not actually effect tissue healing and just mask pain. Prolonged use over 7 days has been associated with significant side effects andriskto other organ systems in the body.
Rest: Rest is essential to tissue healing. You may have to stop performing the offending activity that increase pain or swelling for a short period of time. Don’t try to work or play through the pain to avoid further injuring the tendon.
Although rest is a key part of treating tendonitis, prolonged inactivity can cause stiffness in your joints. After a few days of completely resting the injured area, gently move it through its full range of motion to maintain joint flexibility. You can do other activities and exercises that don’t stress the injured tendon e.g. water exercise may be well tolerated.
Activity modification: The activity that caused the injury should be modified in such a way as to relieve the stress on the tendon. For example, if running gave you Achilles tendonitis, you may need to reduce your mileage, wear different shoes and then increase your mileage slowly.
Splints: Sometimes splints are used to keep the affected joint in alignment during activities so stress is taken off the tendon (such splints and wraps are available for tennis elbow). Splints may also be used during the initial resting period to allow the tendon to heal.
Corticosteroid (cortisone) injections are sometimes used to assist in the treatment of tendonitis. These can be painful and the procedure carries risks such as increase in pain (“steroid flare”), skin discolouration at the injection site, nerve damage, infection, to name a few. Repeated injections may weaken a tendon, increasing your risk of rupturing the tendon. In particular certain tendons should not be injected with steroids because it puts the tendon as risk of rupture (the Achilles for example).
Surgery: Rarely surgery may be needed to relieve the symptoms of tendonitis. Surgery would also be necessary if the affected tendon tore or ruptured.
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
LLLT is the application of red and near infrared light over injuries to stimulate cellular repair. LLLT has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect as well as a healing effect on the inflamed tendons of Achilles Tendonitis and surrounding inflamed soft tissues. LLLT is completely safe and has no effect on normal tissues. LLLT treats the underlying cause of the injury resulting in pain resolution and restoration of function, unlike pain medication which just masks the pain.
Inflammation is the body’s response to injury to attempt to heal it. But often the inflammatory reaction is excessive and this has a paradoxical inhibitory effect on the body’s natural healing mechanisms. This then perpetuates pain and dysfunction in the affected area. By improving circulation and increasing cellular repair functions LLLT provides an environment for your body’s own natural healing processes to be activated and restored. Once normal immune processes are restored, the excessive inflammation is reduced and healing can begin.
LLLT safely and effectively breaks down inflammation at the injury, the anti-inflammatory effect, and successfully restores the body’s natural healing process, healing effect. It also relaxes muscles and improves blood flow around the injured tendons and surrounding inflamed tissues. It is completely pain-free and highly effective in energising the cells of injured tissues to recover. LLLT is applied as a tendonitis treatment along with a tailored and graduated exercise program.
LLLT is very comfortable and does not exert any physical force on the Achilles tendon. Manipulation of the injured tendons just aggravates the problem, so you don’t want to actually handle the tendons. Instead decreasing excessive inflammation with the use of LLLT enables faster healing.
LLLT stimulates blood flow and lymphatic drainage, improved delivery of O2 and nutrition to the area, oxygen utilisation, removal of oxygen-free radicals and other waste products, and tissue healing. Read more on how Low Level Laser Therapy works.
You will be encouraged to move the affected area within range of movement/pain but not exert stretch or force during the healing phase.
The end result is resolution of inflammation and restoration of healthy tendons and local soft tissues. Once tissues are healed, pain is eliminated and normal range of motion and function is restored. Then muscle and tendon strength and flexibility can be addressed with graduated exercises and stretching. Calf strength and power should be gradually progressed from partial and then full weight bear and resistance loaded exercises. You may also require strengthening for other leg, gluteal and lower core muscles.
LLLT has no known side effects, is safe and effective. By treating the underlying problem, LLLT results in resolution of pain relief and restoration of function.
Read morehereon how LLLT helps in the management of tendon injury.
To see how Low Level Laser Therapy can help your conditioncontact usfor more information or to make an appointment.